Wednesday 23 November 2011

To All

If I had an opportunity to thank each and every soul who has touched my life then I would certainly like to with the same gratitude I felt. Many times I have been ungrateful with my not wise was I to let go all those precious blessings. Friends, family, neighbours, strangers all have been in one way filled those precious moments of my life. Am I special? Certainly not! But that is what they made me feel. A friend in times of need, a help in times of trouble, a hug when I needed one and most of all Love.
Pardon me for my ungratefulness, my life would have been incomplete without all those moments with you all...' Thank You' and to the One who made it happen.  

A mind's Ease...

                                                                                                                                  23rd September 2011,

Many a times we don’t know the value of what we have until we lose them. And then suddenly we find so many reasons to go back and have them again. But that’s the beauty of it all. I was never far away from home, which means I was somehow near home, so I never felt what wanting for home was. It didn’t relate to me what it meant to long for home dishes or to feel the excitement to go home. No, I’m not missing home but I’m trying to relate it to something else. What you have is more appreciated when you know it without it. Some things are never meant to be turned back but yet it is experienced in a different manner. We stop and look back and it is always good or relieving. After all, the battle is always ended in the utter silence of darkness and a strange peace of the cries. 
Treasure what have!

Friday 18 November 2011

A Strange Bond

                                                                    A Strange Bond
I’m not a writer in the first place, but I love what it does.
This bond that I am talking about is what I found. It’s a bond of love: a bond of relationship, a bond you can call it ‘the bond of hearts.’ Have you ever held a little baby in your arms and did not feel anything? Or you feel awkward? You fear the child would fall from your arms or you fear going near an edge holding the baby. You just could not find the connection.
 Then in time, as you go on, you found a strange miracle working as you hold the child, still in your arms, and the most amazing thing happens, which the ages of time could still not fathom; a glimpse  of the Love eternal, a bond which explains why mother’s love is as it is or love itself! Have you ever felt this bond? If you have, I’m telling you, you have experienced something! I have! While holding the little baby of my sister I found this amazing bond of family, of love, and of relationship. That’s why I know how to love and share this little love that I have found and it’s strange yet beautiful.
It is hard to find such bond. And may be because of such lost or missed experience of bonding many relationships are broken; may be because someone somewhere did not care to nurture a relationship, it failed. How important is a relationship to you? Do you care to keep it going, even if you think the other have wrong you in some way?
 Because at the end it pays to have ‘a dear one’!

Thursday 17 November 2011

A thought!

Long time from now after you are long gone, when people think back and then comes a flash of your memory, what would it be? Would it be a strange longing for you? would it be a tear? A sigh of relief? or what would it be? It is for now only a matter of then!!

Sunday 6 November 2011


Its about how things have change! When I was small I heard about the dad would tell me of his trips abroad. I use to wonder and wonder. "You know one needs to know computer to be abroad because everything is that", he used to say, "even money could be taken out from the computer(ATM) and all that stuff." Hearing all those I really wanted to go and see them.. but I guess today not me but the world has come to me!! Thanks to globalization. What a wonder of times. Its moving towards men and sure it is going to over take him. my poor men!!! 

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Hello! I am Rupriimo. I love what writing can do!