A Strange Bond
I’m not a writer in the first place, but I love what it does.
This bond that I am talking about is what I found. It’s a bond of love: a bond of relationship, a bond you can call it ‘the bond of hearts.’ Have you ever held a little baby in your arms and did not feel anything? Or you feel awkward? You fear the child would fall from your arms or you fear going near an edge holding the baby. You just could not find the connection.
Then in time, as you go on, you found a strange miracle working as you hold the child, still in your arms, and the most amazing thing happens, which the ages of time could still not fathom; a glimpse of the Love eternal, a bond which explains why mother’s love is as it is or love itself! Have you ever felt this bond? If you have, I’m telling you, you have experienced something! I have! While holding the little baby of my sister I found this amazing bond of family, of love, and of relationship. That’s why I know how to love and share this little love that I have found and it’s strange yet beautiful.
It is hard to find such bond. And may be because of such lost or missed experience of bonding many relationships are broken; may be because someone somewhere did not care to nurture a relationship, it failed. How important is a relationship to you? Do you care to keep it going, even if you think the other have wrong you in some way?
Because at the end it pays to have ‘a dear one’!