Monday 18 May 2015

"A Quest..."

The search of an answer I have been on can never come to an end, for I have been searching for something that never ends.

I would like to meet myself, the one God intended to be or rather the one God wants me to be.
Over the years I have been on a quest, a quest I thought I knew about but the more I came close to it, the more foreign it beca
I have seen different places, met different people and I hoped I'd get to know them, hear their stories, perhaps lead their lives. The more it went on I got all the more confuse of what I was searching for. I started out as myself and thought I knew who I was but I was walking all over myself just to find only what was but me. Different stages had different definitions, sometimes things look clearer than the other times.
At times I felt like a flipping coin, you know, one moment you are head the next, tail, and you couldn't really tell what you are. People only see the flipped side. It could be good or bad, but the truth is, both are one.
All these are like a turbulence in a storm, a storm of confusion, of no answer, of no meaning.
The Big question is, is there an answer? There must be, there should be! So like a calm after the storm, quite, total silence, no need for an answer; for, what you've just lived through was deafening. But, there is a ray of hope. Because of the amount of experience you had, nothing seems worst which means it can only move upwards.
Finally, do I get to meet myself? I am still meeting him everyday, a new me, a new unfolding. I will never fully know. I am never who I was and never will be what I am. I am not who I am. I will never be. I can never depend on myself, so fickle a being. I wish I can end with a bang of solutions with answers but, no! That's what you get when you start with a conclusion. You conclude where you started.
Is the answer beyond the horizon? Perhaps!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Forgotten Mother's Love

I think I have forgotten mother's love. I did not realised but after mom somehow things were not the same. Slowly things changed. This I came to see only when one of my mom's best friend called me the other day. She called to encourage me, she called because she was concerned, she called to let me know she will be praying for me. And then later this thought struck me and I said to myself that's what a mother's love is! That is what my mom would have done if she was still around! That heart of a mother, that unique bond of a genuine love and the constant reminder that she cares, that which I might have over looked if she was still around, that was what I was missing. I thought I had forgotten this love but I needed it somehow. Life has to go on and that is what happens. But, what a way! The Author of life has His own way of doing things- a reminder of a forgotten love to a son. Now I know I can survive for what my mom was was a love I knew but thank God for a mother's heart I still know what a mother's love is! Thank you Aunty for this love and the reminder of a mother's love!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Oil filled World!

Oil is a natural resource which has taken thousands of years to form. Though we say it is a natural resource it in not a renewable resource in that sense. Oil is something which everybody needs in this day of advance technology and development. The petroleum products are so much in use that everywhere we go we see the use of it. May it be in cars, airplanes, buses, trains or household uses. Each day the dependence on the oil products are growing and men are ever on the rise to create more.
            Oil is becoming expensive everyday as the manipulation of the same increase. Since oil is not a renewable resource the in-take that we take must be properly monitored and it is very important that we do not misuse the blessing we have today. Oil is one major factor which keeps the international community at peace or sometimes at war! Everybody is after oil. The Middle-East World is rich because it is where most of the Oil in the world comes from.
            Why then should this important issue of conserving oil not be a part of our lives? We can say world peace and harmony depends on it not only for the present generation but also for those to come. Everyday we use them and that means there is an opportunity everyday for us to be able to minimize its use and conserve it. If this is in our hands then why not start now? We can start by minimizing the use of our four wheeled cars for every short distance that we go and take a walk instead. Or use by-cycle which is both environmentally safe and can help in conserving oil too. Some few other tips to reduce oil consumption can be turning off the ignition of the car whenever in a traffic red light or to go for products which does not use oil products, say, a solar powered product or to tell a friend to be aware of the concern. There are so many things more an individual could contribute in reducing their oil consumption, we only need to put our heads together and not unnecessarily use it or misuse it.                   

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wednesday 23 November 2011

To All

If I had an opportunity to thank each and every soul who has touched my life then I would certainly like to with the same gratitude I felt. Many times I have been ungrateful with my not wise was I to let go all those precious blessings. Friends, family, neighbours, strangers all have been in one way filled those precious moments of my life. Am I special? Certainly not! But that is what they made me feel. A friend in times of need, a help in times of trouble, a hug when I needed one and most of all Love.
Pardon me for my ungratefulness, my life would have been incomplete without all those moments with you all...' Thank You' and to the One who made it happen.  

A mind's Ease...

                                                                                                                                  23rd September 2011,

Many a times we don’t know the value of what we have until we lose them. And then suddenly we find so many reasons to go back and have them again. But that’s the beauty of it all. I was never far away from home, which means I was somehow near home, so I never felt what wanting for home was. It didn’t relate to me what it meant to long for home dishes or to feel the excitement to go home. No, I’m not missing home but I’m trying to relate it to something else. What you have is more appreciated when you know it without it. Some things are never meant to be turned back but yet it is experienced in a different manner. We stop and look back and it is always good or relieving. After all, the battle is always ended in the utter silence of darkness and a strange peace of the cries. 
Treasure what have!

About Me

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Hello! I am Rupriimo. I love what writing can do!